MY naughty students Escaped
This was from my diary that I want to share written a few weeks ago
Today I am a bit happy. I don’t see my 5 naughty students that I used to scold. They are the uncontrollable that many Thai teachers complain including their adviser. I even heard that their teacher shed a tear. But no, no ,no not to me. I won’t shed a tear to naughty students. If they won’t listen then face the consequences of their acts. After all they are not my children. As I used to tell them many times. I tried to discipline them till I got bored since this was going on for more than a year. Last year when they were in grade 5. Now they are in grade 6.
Going back, I felt a bit easy today because I don’t see the 5 heads in my class. The leader of the class told me that (The 5 J’s , JUDE, JESSIE,JEMS , JUSHUA and JINKY the only rose among the thorns) were not around. I was hesitant to order one student to follow them downstairs and call them to join the class. I have to let them join the class because I know I will be having a problem if something might happen and the worst is this group of fives like to play table tennis near the principal’s office. So, I had to call on them before the school head sees them. Quickly the boy went to see them downstairs . There they were playing table tennis near the principal’s office. Their classmate called for them but they shooed him away. The boy came back and reported what his classmates did. The leader was volunteering to call for them. I knew the leader could call for them because she talks harshly on them. I just let them forget about it and went on with the discussion. Anyway, they were playing near the principal’s office. Let the principal look after them. I will just reason out I have many students to look after than that 5 J’s. So, the class went on .I taught my students without their presence. In fact, the other students were happier when they are not around.
After the class ,to make me appear good, and to be good to the principal I ask the leader to list down the names of those who escaped and gave it to the principal. The principal knew about it and gathered the 5 students. She blah, blah ,blah I knew. So the students came one by one to say sorry. I told them I wont accept their SORRY because I knew they were not really sorry. Instead I told them to do good and if they don’t change for the better, they won’t come to my class and call for their parents to school. They will be reprimanded. I went to discuss with the principal about this but what she told me? She said I can hit the students hard. Oh no, I cant just do that with these kind of students. I know who I can hit. There were parents who like their children to be disciplined and they understand the teacher who sometimes give the stick . I told her I won’t hit. But I will just let them call their parents and talk with the principal about their behavior. This time I made the principal understand my point. She has to understand me or else I will just let them do whatever they want and I just go on teaching. Hehehehh ….What happens next?
To be continued………
a hodge-podge of my tickling experiences, funny anecdotes, rumors, and unreliable stories that make my life a little bit spicy...
About Me

- rissa
- I'm a busy mother but I still find time to blog. Actually,I have a lovely daughter who inspired me to blog so you'll find my pages inundated with posts about her. I'm just new to blogging but I would like to post anything that pops up in my mind and share them. Since my first language is not English, please bear with me. I am open to suggestions and constructive criticisms. Please post your comments also. Thanks and happy reading....
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