About Me

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I'm a busy mother but I still find time to blog. Actually,I have a lovely daughter who inspired me to blog so you'll find my pages inundated with posts about her. I'm just new to blogging but I would like to post anything that pops up in my mind and share them. Since my first language is not English, please bear with me. I am open to suggestions and constructive criticisms. Please post your comments also. Thanks and happy reading....

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Haiku 13

What did Koko say?
Hello, Ratchaburi School.
Bye-bye, Suppawit.


  1. I'm very happy at Daruna Ratchaburi Commercial School now. At least I will be dealing with professional people. No more Benja, Salit, Thoe, and the "unprofessionals", hehehe

  2. @nes .Great for u to have a new job this time. Good luck and always be yourself. Looking forward to visit ur place.. Esang

  3. @nes. Congratulations! You must be having great time in your new school. Why , who among the three 0r four made u unhappy? Let me guess...join me...mini mini mai ni mo..ah I know the The.......jejejej Joke my dear...peace to them. Esang
